Code of Conduct | VA Revolution


VRSC Player Code of Conduct

As a VRSC player, I agree to abide by the following guidelines and understand that violations are subject to being removed from the team. I understand that I represent the Club in matches and tournaments and will not act in any way that is detrimental to my team or the Club.

  • I will do my best, work hard and have a positive attitude.
  • I will make every effort to attend all practices, events and games.
  • I will update my availability promptly and accurately.
  • I will be properly equipped and on time for practices and games.
  • I will learn the laws of the game and play with honor and dignity.
  • I will be a good teammate and will treat others as I would like to be treated.
  • I will be gracious and humble in both victory and defeat.
  • I will not engage in, nor encourage, any behaviors or practices that would endanger the physical, emotional or mental well-being of any player.
  • I will not get into arguments with opposing teams, players, parents or coaches.
  • I will not criticize referees or dispute their calls, and I understand there is zero tolerance for those who do.
  • I will not use abusive, offensive or vulgar language.
  • I understand the time, energy and effort put forth by my coaches and will respect and support them
  • I will help my parents and family understand the laws of the game, so they can watch and enjoy the game better.

VRSC Parent Code of Conduct

As a VRSC parent/spectator, I understand my behavior is equally as important as that of my player. I agree to set a good example and to abide by the following guidelines. I understand that my violations are subject to my player being removed from the team.

  • I will foster a soccer environment that is positive and understand that abusive, offensive and vulgar language is not acceptable.
  • I will not engage in, nor encourage, any behaviors or practices that would endanger the physical, emotional or mental well-being of any player.
  • I will learn the laws of the game and support the policies of the Club.
  • I will make every effort to get my player to all practices, events and games.
  • I will make sure his/her availability is updated promptly and accurately.
  • I will not get into arguments with opposing teams, players, parents or coaches.
  • I recognize the difficulty of refereeing and that inaccurate calls will happen. I will demonstrate composure and respect their decisions without dissent.
  • I will not enter the field of game play for any reason without being requested to do so by a referee.
  • I will not engage in, nor encourage, any behaviors or practices that would endanger the physical, emotional or mental well-being of any player.
  • I will not offer coaching advice from the sidelines.
  • I recognize the time, energy and effort put forth by our coaches and will demonstrate consistent, positive support for them.
  • I will observe a 24-hour cooling-off period after any game or practice before I address any matter with my child’s coach and follow the Club’s resolution procedures.
  • I will encourage my child to do his/her best, work hard, have a positive attitude and abide by the Player Code of Conduct.