FAQs | VA Revolution



Where is RSA held?

Programs are held at the RavenTek Park in Leesburg, VA. There are onsite classrooms in unison with DC United Academy students. Soccer practices will also be onsite, adjacent to the DC United Academy players.

What is the calendar for RSA?

August-June: Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm.

What is the annual tuition to attend RSA?

Tuition is $19,500 per year.

Does RSA offer financial aid?

In our first year of programming, financial aid will be quite limited. There is a separate application process reviewed by both RSA and SAI to determine eligibility. If you believe financial aid will be necessary, we encourage you to begin that process early in the overall application process.

Does RSA tuition include annual club soccer fees?

No. Participation in club soccer will be a separate fee. Players are free to participate in club soccer at the club of their choice. If a RSA student athlete chooses to play for a Virginia Revolution SC club team, annual travel fees will be offered at a significant discount.


Who is SAI Academy?

Established in 2020, SAI Academy is at the forefront of blending modern educational methods with elite-level soccer training for students. Their mission is to empower students to reach their highest potential, both academically and athletically, and to become leaders and changemakers in their communities and beyond. They have a proven track record of success partnering with five MLS clubs.

Is SAI Academy an accredited program?

Yes, SAI Academy is a fully accredited college prep program. Asynchronous learning time and virtual learning options can be customized to meet the student’s needs. The curriculum is flexible enough to provide student-athletes with the guidance and instruction necessary to excel on and off the field. SAI ensures all students remain NCAA eligible and assist with scholarship eligibility.

Who will be responsible for teaching students at RSA?

SAI faculty consists of esteemed educators capable of utilizing innovative teaching methods and flexible learning strategies to help students excel academically while balancing their rigorous athletic schedules. Teachers onsite at RSA are also available to connect virtually when students are traveling for games and tournaments. Ongoing monitoring ensures academic success measures are met.

How will students be challenged academically when appropriate and supported when struggling?

Onsite staff will support and monitor each student daily. Progress will be evaluated individually based on unique skills and abilities. Faculty will pace and advance each student through their curriculum while monitoring their understanding of the material.

What is the daily schedule at RSA?

Students arrive at school at 8am each day and dismiss at 4:30pm. Below is an outline of the daily schedule:

  • 8am – 10:30am – Training session
  • 10:30am – 12:30pm – Classroom session
  • 12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch and break
  • 1:30pm – 4:30pm – Classroom session


How many hours per day will a player train?

Student athletes will train for 2.5 hours every school day before beginning their studies. Players will be available after school to train with their club team as scheduled.

Who will conduct the daily training sessions?

All of RSA’s training sessions will be run by a team of highly credentialed and experienced coaches employed by Virgina Revolution SC.

How will players’ progress on the field be measured by RSA?

Each player will receive an individual player development plan. Players will receive daily individual feedback from coaches and monthly progress reviews will be conducted with players and parents. Individual video analysis will be reviewed with players. There will be regular communication between RSA coaches and the player’s club coaches to discuss progress.

Are RSA students required to play club soccer with Virgina Revolution SC?

No. Student athletes can play with the club of their choice. Players who decide to play with VRSC will be offered a substantial discount on their annual travel fees.

Will RSA students train with DC United Academy players?

RSA students will train at the same time on separate but adjacent fields to DC United Academy players.