Policies | VA Revolution




We understand circumstances change and injuries happen. Unfortunately, for team continuity and budgeting purposes, we have to maintain a firm cancellation and refund policy. Please keep this in mind before accepting placement offers, and be sure that your player and family are prepared to commit for the full 10 month season.

Program Cancellation

If a program is cancelled in its entirety or a team disbands, player fees paid are refundable (less $25 admin fee and non-refundable travel deposits).

Serious Injury or Illness

Any player who incurs a serious injury or major illness diagnosis before the start of a season is eligible for a full refund only if a replacement is found. For injuries or diagnosis in a season, no refund is available.

Family Relocation

If a family relocates outside of Virginia prior to the start of a season, the player is eligible for a full refund only if a replacement is found.

Code of Conduct Violation

Repeated or serious code of conduct violations can result in a team placement being revoked. If this happens, there is no refund.

Financial Aid

As always, we are happy to provide qualified players with financial aid. All interested players will be required to submit a new application this year, regardless of status in previous years. Financial aid is available on a very limited basis and will be distributed to player based on family need, player ability and commitment.

If you require financial assistance, a link is available as part of the registration process in PlayMetrics. General requirements are household income under $65,000 or eligible for free or reduced lunch through the school system. All returning players need to apply for financial assistance again, even if approved in previous years.

Code of Conduct

This one is so important it gets it’s own page! Please review our CODE OF CONDUCT HERE.

It is very important to review this document closely. Violations are grounds to be removed from the team.

Multi-Player Discounts

We understand the cost of multiple players in a Travel sport. To support our families with more than three club players, we offer a 10% discount on Club Fees for any Travel players over three registered at full price.